Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Blood in the urine is one of the primary bladder cancer symptoms.

Among majority of the urinary tract infections be it renal, ureters, bladder, pelvis and the urethra the bladder cancer constitutes 90% of the cancers.

The bladder is the part of excretory system which is located in the pelvic cavity and stores urine and discharges it through the urethra. The structure of the bladder is described as a balloon shaped.

The bladder cancer stages are described depending on the spread and occurrence of the disease. In some cases the bladder cancer remains confined to the lining but in many cases the cancer spreads to other regions as well. The risk factor for this cancer is proved to be age, as majority of the patients are people above 55 years.

Smoking is the greatest single risk factor for this cancer. Exposure to certain toxic chemicals and drugs also makes it more likely to develop this disease.

Bladder cancer treatment differs from person to person as the stages differ in each of them. Sometimes as the disease spreads far off from its origin many extensive treatment procedures are opted for better cure and prognosis.

For that matter any type of cancer at its early stage can be treated well when compared to that of cancer in its advanced stage, similarly the case of bladder cancer. Here are the some of the main bladder cancer symptoms.

Common Bladder Cancer Symptoms

The primary bladder cancer symptoms or bladder cancer sign is blood in the urine. This condition is called Hematuria which may either be visible to the naked eye (gross) or only visible only under a microscope (microscopic) and is usually painless.

The bladder cancer other common symptoms include need to urinate frequently. A condition where pain occurs on urination called dysuria may also occur. These common bladder cancer symptoms may be summarized as follows:

  • Blood in the urine: This is the most common among bladder cancer symptoms and occurs in the vast majority of people with this cancer making the urine slightly red or rusty. But one should keep in mind that this symptom is not a sure cut signal of bladder cancer, it may also be caused by other urinary infections or ailments or disorders. However this symptom should never be neglected and should be immediately evaluated by a doctor.
  • Urinary urgency or frequent urination, or feeling the need to urinate without results.
  • Pain on urination (dysuria).
  • Back or abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite and weight.
  • Weakness or tiredness

These symptoms are not sure signs of bladder cancer. Infections, benign tumors, bladder stones, or other problems also can cause these symptoms. Anyone with these symptoms should see a doctor so that the doctor can diagnose and treat any problem as early as possible. People with symptoms like these may see their family doctor or an urologist, a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary system.